As a freelance writer I work at home, but often have my concentration interrupted by traffic noise, lawnmowers, leafblowers, kids playing, delivery trucks, and other distracting noises. I saw the reviews here and thought Id give it a try. What a great program - not only is the selection of sounds excellent, but the sound quality is great, and the ability to mix them to customize something that soothes and focuses you is excellent. You can change the pitch of a sound so it is right in a range that works best for you. The nicest thing is that somehow the sounds make you less stressed out. Nice interface, too, easy to use and beautifully designed. Kudos! ----- Update: 2015 This remains one of my favorite apps -- I just can’t tell you how much having a white noise playing helps my productivity. I love that users can add new sounds, so if you get ear fatigue you can download some new recordings and create some new white noise to help you concentrate or sleep. -----